My projects

weather forecast app coded with python

Weather forecast

Weather App, a Python tool using the SheCodes API for real-time and forecast weather data, with clear output. Built with requests and rich, it highlights effective API integration

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Application using AI to find travel destinations

Dream Gallivant

An AI-powered travel app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Utilizing Axios for API calls and the Typewriter effect for dynamic text, this app offers personalized travel suggestions based on user input.

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weather application

Weather App

App built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, using Axios for API calls. Enter a city to get real-time weather updates, including temperature, humidity, and wind speed

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App to check the time in various cities around the globe

Clock App

App built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Select a city to view local time and date, powered by Moment.js and Moment Timezone.

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saarloos wofldogs landing page

Landing page about wolfdogs

Simple landing page with pictures gallery.

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saarloos wofldogs landing page

My landing page

My very first coding project, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's not pretty, but I'm sentimental about it.

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